Our motive is to help the poor, helpless and orphan children all over the world.

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About Us

Toys play a significant role in the overall development of a child. From emotional, social and cognitive skills development to physical and mental growth, toy-assisted play can help improve kids in many ways. However, this needs a variety of toys, which usually comes at a higher price. But, THANKS to Toy Mahal. We bring to you the most modern, sophisticated and affordable method of bringing more and more toys home.

Toy Mahal is an Ecombrary (E-Commerce + Toy Library), where you can rent the toys at almost 1/10th of the cost of the original toy and can return the toy within a week or a month, once your little one has outgrown the age or lost interest in the Toy. This way:

  • You can save your pocket from burning money.
  • Your kiddo gets a new toy every month.
  • You don’t have to worry about storing the toy And most importantly..
  • ⦁ You are contributing to saving the environment from Plastic Production & Pollution

Care Programs


Pocket Friendly

We have a library of best and top-quality toys, which you can rent at almost 10 times lesser costs of buying it. Say Goodbye to Expensive Toy Store Bills.


Time & Energy Savy

Our complete range of toys is available at a single spot, for children of all ages. Your child can grow from 0-to 8 years, just by playing with Toys from Toy Mahal.


Goodbye Storage Mess

No need to find storage space every month, after your kid gets bored by playing with it. Just return the Toy(s) and take home new ones.


100% Sanitized Toys

Toy Mahal pays higher attention to hygiene. We use the best quality sanitizers and cleaning methods to clean the toys after every use. Ensuring your Kid’s safety is more important to us than anything.


A New Experience Every time

Experts suggest that different toys play different roles in the cognitive skill development of Children. This is why we regularly keep updating our Toy Library to deliver a better edutainment experience for children.


Toy Mahal is an Ecombrary, an Ecommerce Toy Library. We provide Toy Rental Services to Parent’s, Playschools, Primary Schools and more. Our services are aimed at improving the toy-assisted learning process for children and giving them a positive & entertaining playing experience through toys, games, books and more.

Our Sevices



Toys are commonly considered as a playing element only. However, they can act as a Learning & Training element for kids and assist in the physical, logical, emotional, ethical and social development of Children.
It’s the first step for a child towards imagination and creativity, whilst aiding to the powers of observation & concentration as well.
At Toy Mahal, you can rent a variety of Toys for children of all age groups.


Apart from enjoyment, Games help Kids to learn key skills and elements of life such as goals, rules, challenges, teamwork and interaction.
The physical efforts and brainstorming combine to form and execute a winning strategy.
At Toy Mahal, you and your kids can find a whole lot of internationally recognised board, strategy and sports gaming setups, which you can take home to play with friends and family.


Books are Men’s first source of structured knowledge. Introducing paper-based learning at an early age can help kids adapt to the education system.
Reading helps in developing language skills and critical thinking along with independent learning.
From Picture books for infants to fictional novels for little readers, you can find everything that can enhance the reading, writing, speaking, imaginative, creative and overall skills of your children.

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